Friday, November 4, 2016


Oh my the election....every presidential election I have gone through I have not enjoyed! We all get sick of the back stabbing, whinny, he said she said commercials, posts, and signs!! Really, I have to stop looking at things on facebook, I DO NOT watch the news, and I mute the commercials because I don't want to form an opinion about what the liberal media has to show me. We all know they are biased. What party you are doesn't matter to me...who you vote for doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is if we discuss politics (which 99% of the time I avoid) I want to walk away still friends. It seems to me this presidential election has torn more people apart because we don't practice what we preach. RIGHT??!! Doesn't everyone want and scream tolerance?? Then why on earth when it comes to politics this season are we tearing each other apart? I am AWARE that our options aren't what we want, and what this election has come to. But who's fault is that anyways?? We sit and allow our lives to be bullied by the government because we don't want to get involved. I am guilty of this very thing! I am not condemning anyone...I am aware that my silence has allowed the government to take control of areas in my life that should not be! But guys...we can't let our "feelings" control how we think or act. We don't let our children do it, so why are we doing it to each other? There is bickering,shaming, and finally when we can't get the other person to change his/her mind we call them mean names. It doesn't leave us feeling better, or at least it shouldn't. It's shameful how adults are being allowed to act. Our children are watching us!! So, as you can see I am finding this whole thing very frustrating.Because, even in our "conservative" circles, the "christian" circles, the "why should I vote Circles" the hypocrisy runs strong. We don't like to see hatred; like racism and I know I don't support it. BUT somehow in this country our now president has stirred it up, and it is evil. We can't change the past...because it is that..the past! We shouldn't rewrite it to make it politically correct, because we are to learn from it. Keep it like it is...its supposed to be ugly because those are mistakes we have made! If we make it light and "tolerable" our children won't learn from our mistakes. They will keep making the same ugly choices that we see now. People haven't evolved just technology has. We still have the same ugly hate in our souls...whether we feed it hatred or decide to snuff it out with love and compassion is up to you. I choose to show my children how to love, how to resolve conflict, teach them when enough is enough and to close their mouth and walk away. We can't change someone's view or opinions, and that's ok. GUYS ITS OK!! Different views are ok....its when we are forced into that same box and made to think like everyone else for their agenda; that's when it is not OK! I encourage you to be the change. Stop the name calling. You want change be the change, be the solution. I am not saying run for office; not everyone is cut out for that. Raise your children on truth and justice. Teach them to serve and love. Show them how to love and be compassionate. Let them see how to resolve conflict and bring order by being the example. Be compassionate without anger! Ok, so that is the end of rant. Whether, you are Republican, Democrat,Green party...its ok; just agree to disagree with someone who may be voting against you. You don't have to understand their choice. Only your choice. Walk away friends...because in the end whoever wins has to live with the choices of that president for the next 4 years, so choose your friends/family over politics. :D

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