Thursday, October 27, 2016

Why I don't blog consistently...

Hey Everyone, I know its been awhile since I have last posted. To be honest I don't feel like I have anything to say, but it has been on my heart and mind to get back at it. I am not techi at it is going to be the most basic of blogs but I am learning so much right now that I need to share. I have so many questions that I need to write them down. I need to have an outlet of verbal ......I'll let you fill that in. :) Watching what our country is doing to itself leads me to the shaking of my head and wonder if the world is going to get better for my children. Every parent is different but when did our differences become so set in stone and everyone else can go to hell cause they are wrong..sort of speak. I mean we are all different...different one was raised the same...NO ONE! Even in a family from the oldest to the youngest the parents don't train each child the same. Similiar, yes, but lets be honest the baby of the family gets spoiled! hahha...Anyways, I dont want to get to political. I just want to be a mom trying to protect her children and their rights when they become adults. I want to share what I have gone through and am learning. You may or may not agree and that is ok. I just ask that you be respectful of my views as I will be to yours. That what I write is souly my point of view, thoughts, and research. Happy reading and I will be posting once a week as long as my children allow it. OK SMALL GILMORE UPDATE: We just got back from vacation a couple weeks ago. We went to the Dominican Republic for a week with my entire family. It was so much fun! Here are a couple pictures from that. Right now we are getting ready to for Halloween. No, I don't have costumes..hahaha we are going to a Dr.Suess themed party. The kids are 2 and 1 so they aren't really into it yet. Therefore, neither am I. They just want to bounce in the bounce house, and eat candy. Totally ok with that. :)

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