Monday, December 12, 2016

Merry Christmas..and wait...WHATTTTT!!

Merry Christmas Everyone, I hope you all are doing well. I haven't checked in for a bit. Life here got very interesting...Almost 2 weeks ago Charlie came home early from work and had something to tell me...this is what he said, " Honey, I have good news and bads new. The good news is you'll be seeing more of me; the bad news......New York Air Brake laid me off." (silence) Wait, what?? read right...NYAB let 12 engineers go and Charlie didn't make the cut. We have been dodging this bullet for awhile, and honestly we didn't even see this coming. Because, they have cut back so many people in his department we thought we were safe. Guess not?! So, after a good cry, and refocusing on the next steps we have decided to relocate are family altogether. Charlie has had a couple of Skype interviews so far. One is in Tennessee and the other in Kentucky. Yes, our families are here, but they have been talking about moving south to Kentucky as well. We thought we would be following them in the fall sometime, but it looks like we are the first ones going to be taking that step. There are so many steps; which all seem like baby steps right now. Since, we don't have a job offer yet we are looking to possibly rent our house...or maybe put it on the markets...or maybe wait it out and get the job 1st...ahhhhh!!! Yes, you can see we just don't know. We haven't heard back from anyone yet and the head hunters keep saying wait till the turn of the year. I know that is close, but when you need a paycheck to come in...yeah! I don't need to explain it. :) We really are doing well through this. It is stressful but our support has been incredible! So what if Christmas will be smaller. Our kids won't know. They are to little, and for us...we are just thankful everyone is healthy and happy. So that is where we are at right this moment. If you think of us send a little prayer for wisdom and guidence. :D Talk to you sooN!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


This year as we gather a few members around our table I reflect on how disassociated we have become with our own families. It can be for any reason, but when I sit and really thing about it; it makes me really sad. Why can't people forgive and move on? Why can't we make the drive? Why can't we stop what we are doing and build a bridge between the gap we have created in our families? Part of is we are tired of being rejected. We are tired of the hurt, the games we have to play, having to say the right things as to offend anyone, and the back stabbing that can come with family functions. These things should never be! But, I do know all to well they are.There are favorites and outcasts...even those who tolerate just because they know once they give up and not show up that will be the end. I get life is busy...but it will never slow down! I get that it hurts to much to be ignored in a family function when you showed up, and you weren't even invited. I know what it feels like to watch someone you love sit in silence and be rejected. Why do we choose to hurt? Hurting other people is something we is an know what so is LOVE! Loving your family where there at, accepting them where they are at,you don't have to believe,think,act, or love the same way...just love like you know how. Love doesn't hurt, isn't cruel...a hug, smile, a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday is all that it takes. Love is easy; we choose to make it harsh. So I challenge you this holiday season. Go out of your way to love on someone. Say something kind, send a card, text, phone call,or deliver a treat it will make you happier and it could possibly be the start to rebuilding relationships. Everyone, has to start somewhere...and if they aren't going to start; then you should be the bigger person. :) As I sit at my dinner this Thursday with my in laws I am going to be thankful I have this time with them. I am going to be hospitable and kind. That is what I am called to do and that is what I will always do. Happy Thanksgiving.... and remember love isn't hard it just takes action.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Time of Thanksgiving

Hey Everyone, Yeah for the elections being over with. I am in shock and awe of the hatred flying...I don't know why. I accepted whatever may come either way, but I guess I am in the minority with that thinking. Either way, if I want to see certain changes then I need to step up and be that change...the president is one person who is doing what they think best. SO, be the change if you don't agree with the outcome. Enough of that....THANKSGIVING is almost here! I love Thanksgiving. It is a time of reflection and a reminder of what we are blessed with. I know the Gilmore's are blessed beyond words. We are stewards of many things and I am so grateful for each one. I think this year we became more aware of how blessed we truly are when Charlie took a missions trip. We become so blinded by our greed for more that we don't recognize it. Guilty as charged....I turn a blind eye and get on my "I need/want" more...however, this year we became aware that we have more than enough, and we should share; be giving of what we have. I want my children to recognize a need and be able to help or fill someone's true need. I want them to see the example of this. One way we do this is Operation Christmas Child. We fill a shoe box of all kinds of goodies. They get shipped all over the world, and yes,some stay right here in the USA. I love that my kids can go to the dollar store and pick out things for other children. Now, I know they don't quite understand yet. BUT they will...and so it will become 2nd nature to them.Instilling, good qualities like these are what I desire for my children. I know they aren't perfect, and they have "those tendencies" know what one's i'm talking about. :) Another way we like to give is through Angel Tree or at our church we adopted the foster kids in Jefferson and St. Lawerence counties. We have been able to get gifts for every child the last 2 years, and I am thrilled to be apart of that. Again, we get to go shopping for kids who won't have much of a Christmas. It is so rewarding and you feel good.To answer the age old saying "we should do this all through the year"...yes we try to. If we see a need we try and fill it the best we can. We try to keep our eyes and ears open to needs in our community. This year, we are staying home for Thanksgiving. We are so excited to be able to cook for Charlie's parents, and have the kids just chill for one holiday this year. They are used to the hustle and bustle, but since we are flying to Missouri for Christmas we needed a small break from the travel. My parents are hoping to come up the next day and spend some time with us. It depends on my dads work schedule. Either way we love to have one and all. We love company and ALWAYS have room for anyone who wants to come visit. So, that is somethings we do around this time of the year. Since, we plan on traveling for Christmas we are doing what we can now. It will be lots of fun! Charlie can't remember the last Christmas he spent with his sister and mom. It makes it all the more special! I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone out there. Charlie's nephew Michael will be home from his 2 year mission trip to Germany, and we haven't meet Gabriel our new great nephew. Exciting for sure!!!!!! Love to you all and remember be kind because its the right thing.

Friday, November 4, 2016


Oh my the election....every presidential election I have gone through I have not enjoyed! We all get sick of the back stabbing, whinny, he said she said commercials, posts, and signs!! Really, I have to stop looking at things on facebook, I DO NOT watch the news, and I mute the commercials because I don't want to form an opinion about what the liberal media has to show me. We all know they are biased. What party you are doesn't matter to me...who you vote for doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is if we discuss politics (which 99% of the time I avoid) I want to walk away still friends. It seems to me this presidential election has torn more people apart because we don't practice what we preach. RIGHT??!! Doesn't everyone want and scream tolerance?? Then why on earth when it comes to politics this season are we tearing each other apart? I am AWARE that our options aren't what we want, and what this election has come to. But who's fault is that anyways?? We sit and allow our lives to be bullied by the government because we don't want to get involved. I am guilty of this very thing! I am not condemning anyone...I am aware that my silence has allowed the government to take control of areas in my life that should not be! But guys...we can't let our "feelings" control how we think or act. We don't let our children do it, so why are we doing it to each other? There is bickering,shaming, and finally when we can't get the other person to change his/her mind we call them mean names. It doesn't leave us feeling better, or at least it shouldn't. It's shameful how adults are being allowed to act. Our children are watching us!! So, as you can see I am finding this whole thing very frustrating.Because, even in our "conservative" circles, the "christian" circles, the "why should I vote Circles" the hypocrisy runs strong. We don't like to see hatred; like racism and I know I don't support it. BUT somehow in this country our now president has stirred it up, and it is evil. We can't change the past...because it is that..the past! We shouldn't rewrite it to make it politically correct, because we are to learn from it. Keep it like it is...its supposed to be ugly because those are mistakes we have made! If we make it light and "tolerable" our children won't learn from our mistakes. They will keep making the same ugly choices that we see now. People haven't evolved just technology has. We still have the same ugly hate in our souls...whether we feed it hatred or decide to snuff it out with love and compassion is up to you. I choose to show my children how to love, how to resolve conflict, teach them when enough is enough and to close their mouth and walk away. We can't change someone's view or opinions, and that's ok. GUYS ITS OK!! Different views are ok....its when we are forced into that same box and made to think like everyone else for their agenda; that's when it is not OK! I encourage you to be the change. Stop the name calling. You want change be the change, be the solution. I am not saying run for office; not everyone is cut out for that. Raise your children on truth and justice. Teach them to serve and love. Show them how to love and be compassionate. Let them see how to resolve conflict and bring order by being the example. Be compassionate without anger! Ok, so that is the end of rant. Whether, you are Republican, Democrat,Green party...its ok; just agree to disagree with someone who may be voting against you. You don't have to understand their choice. Only your choice. Walk away friends...because in the end whoever wins has to live with the choices of that president for the next 4 years, so choose your friends/family over politics. :D

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Why I don't blog consistently...

Hey Everyone, I know its been awhile since I have last posted. To be honest I don't feel like I have anything to say, but it has been on my heart and mind to get back at it. I am not techi at it is going to be the most basic of blogs but I am learning so much right now that I need to share. I have so many questions that I need to write them down. I need to have an outlet of verbal ......I'll let you fill that in. :) Watching what our country is doing to itself leads me to the shaking of my head and wonder if the world is going to get better for my children. Every parent is different but when did our differences become so set in stone and everyone else can go to hell cause they are wrong..sort of speak. I mean we are all different...different one was raised the same...NO ONE! Even in a family from the oldest to the youngest the parents don't train each child the same. Similiar, yes, but lets be honest the baby of the family gets spoiled! hahha...Anyways, I dont want to get to political. I just want to be a mom trying to protect her children and their rights when they become adults. I want to share what I have gone through and am learning. You may or may not agree and that is ok. I just ask that you be respectful of my views as I will be to yours. That what I write is souly my point of view, thoughts, and research. Happy reading and I will be posting once a week as long as my children allow it. OK SMALL GILMORE UPDATE: We just got back from vacation a couple weeks ago. We went to the Dominican Republic for a week with my entire family. It was so much fun! Here are a couple pictures from that. Right now we are getting ready to for Halloween. No, I don't have costumes..hahaha we are going to a Dr.Suess themed party. The kids are 2 and 1 so they aren't really into it yet. Therefore, neither am I. They just want to bounce in the bounce house, and eat candy. Totally ok with that. :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Happy Summer!

Hey Guys, How is everyone's Summer going?? Ours as usual is extremely busy!! As soon as June hit we have had non stop company. The children seem to be handling all the changes pretty good! For the month of June Charlie's mom came out and visited us! It was a wonderful fun visit! We were really sad to see her leave...(we are spending Christmas with her) She was wonderful help with the children and did all my laundry. Plus, it was nice having her here when I had 5 teeth pulled! I was down for the count and Charlie didn't have to take time off to help her help me. hahaha... Also in June my brother Denver got a job up here so he has been with us as well. He is busy working but he is with us in the evenings. Titus really likes having "Uncle Never's" around to play. July, brought our first camping trip with my parent's which was alot of fun! My sister was there as well. The kids got to swim, roast marshmellows, and eat DIRT! haha..seriously, Amelia took to eating rocks and dirt...yuck! 2 days after we got back from camping I got really really sick. I spiked a fever out of nowhere and it remained high for a week! We are talking 102.7-104.5. It was not a good time. We went to the ER and after hours there I got sent home with no infection and a high fever. Yes, they discharged me with 104.5 fever. (and you wonder why I question the medical field.) So, my Aunt and Grandma came up for the week and helped with the kids, because again Charlie doesn't really have time to take off for my illness. hahaha...I hardly ever get sick, so getting knocked down was tough. It was such a blessing having family be able to drop what they are doing and come up to help! I am much better now...Cause we think was a spider bite! yeah!! Softball season has come and gone as well. Charlie's team didnt do as well as they have in the past but it was still nice to for to be able to play. We planted a garden this year and that is doing really good! We have peas, cukes, tomatoes, red cabbage, peppers, and lettuce! It has been fun to see Titus get excited about picking the veggies and then getting to eat them. :) Amelia, has decided in the past week that it is time to walk. Yeah...ugh..hahaha I am not ready for 2 babies to walk!! It is inevitable so I shall try and embrace it. :D She is such a joy and Titus and her get along splendidly!! Well, I think that catches you up...we are busy doing life things..haha

Monday, April 25, 2016

A new adventure:

Hey Guys, I don't know about you but Spring has sprung here (FINALLY) and that means we have been outside as much as possible getting a jump on yard work. We have 5 acres and the people before us didn't really take care of it very well. They mowed the lawn and through everything in the hedge; which has crept into the yard. Which left a small yard, so we are reclaiming the yard! It's been fun and Titus and Amelia love being outside soaking up the sun. Hey! They sleep better at night so I am all for it. Charlie and I have started a new adventure. As you know we are all about getting in better shape, better nutrition, and doing it in an organic natural way. After participating in a couple groups with the a coach through beachbody we decided to join! We love the coach we have and she is an inspiration. We are taking the month of May to get the training and then in June we are going to be doing clean eating challenges! They are so fun and personally I love the accountability. Without accountability we all fall off the track. Our website is: Check out the workouts! I am sure you have heard some of them. Let us know what you think...check us out on facebook or email us at We would love to hear from you. If you want to join a group now let us know. We will be showing you are before and after pictures. Listen, we aren't perfect....I hate cardio! I love sugar...but long term we needed to do something to help us stay focused. :) I'll post pictures of the kids this week for you all to see them. They are growing so fast! Titus just got a haircut...Amelia has her first tooth and is army crawling....oh and before I forget...we are doing AWESOME in potty training.. Hope you are all doing well!!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Moving the Swing Set

Our swing set was in a spot where I couldn't see Titus at all if he was to play on it, so on Easter we had all the strapping young men help move it. I am so grateful for their help. Now Titus can play on it and I can see him if I am getting dinner ready. There will soon be a slide on it. Oh, and yes we needed that many guys because it apparently was super heavy..hahaha


Hey Guys, This year we celebrated Easter up. My family and some of our friends came over for lunch and a fun egg hunt for the kids. Titus struggled with it a little bit, but by the end he was getting the concept. We hope you had a great sunny Easter!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

When did it become ok...

I was sipping my coffee this morning watching the children play and for some reason my mind wandered to....what will they call adults when they can talk. I remember when I was little thinking," I can't wait to grow up and be called Mrs..." Then it dawned on me children don't do that anymore. I still can't wait to be called, "Mrs.Gilmore". That's right I have yet to be called that by any child! Granted the children I do hang around either call me Aunt Ashley or they can't talk yet. So my question is why? Why? When did it become ok for children to call adults by their first name? I shouldn't have to ask for a child to call me Mrs.Gilmore the parents should be instilling this in them. It's respectful. I am open to Mrs.Ashley don't get me wrong. I just think that the whole I dont want to hurt your feelings, or make you feel old, or "label" anyone has gone to far. It isn't about any of that its about children being respectful. You can bet when Titus starts having friends I will ask them to call me Mrs.Gilmore! Titus and Amelia will be trained to call you by your last name and or Miss,Mr,Mrs,Ms, and your first name. Don't be offended it's about respect! They aren't an adults equal. Yes, they are human but they are little humans learning to be an adult. I know they will get confused sometimes because hearing you call your peers by their first name gets confusing, but I will gently remind them that they are to call them such and such. Really, why is it so offensive to be called Mr,Mrs,Ms,Miss in the first place? Really you don't want to be respected? I have been asked by my parents peers to call them by their first name and I politely declined. They aren't my peers, my children's friends aren't my peers...just my thought on this.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Volleyball tournament...

This past weekend we got to play in a tournament with some great people. Are team went 8-0 until the playoffs where it was single elimination and we lost. :( It was sad but it was the best team we have had for tournaments! We can't wait for the next one.

While Charlie was away the cousins got to play...

Like I said, the kids and I stayed at my parents for the week Charlie was here are some photos from our time on the farm: As you can see we also had lots of visitors... We had a wonderful time and am so thankful for parents that want to invest in their grandkids!

Busy Busy Busy...

Hey Guys, We have been busy but not busy, so it seems. Charlie left for Guatemala and I spent the week at my parents house so I didnt have internet connection. Then, this past week we were establishing our routine again.So I have lots and lots of pictures...First, Charlie's pictures. He was moved beyond words on his trip to Guatemala. He still tears up when he talks about it. He describes it as very emotional. He has 2 speaking engagements one on Friday at his work place, and the other in April. I am trying to get him to talk to our small group in a couple weeks. Will see...Here are some of my favorite pictures: The team visited a couple different schools, delivered food to those who didn't have any, helped with a project at the mission they stayed at, and over all learned a lot about how in America we have more than we need.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Happy Birthday Titus!! I can't believe he is 2 years old. It just amazes me how fast children transition through each phase of early childhood. I am sure this next one will be a little longer than the first two. I hope so anyways! Titus is an energetic, out going, fun loving, little boy. He goes out of his way to say "Hello" to any stranger and to give them a high five. He loves to watch any sports involving a ball, and will shout "go go go" to Charlie while he plays volleyball. Trucks and the movie Cars seem to be his favorite thing right now. Sugar cookies are his favorite dessert and eggs his favorite food. Probably, because he can help cook them. This past Sunday we celebrated with some friends and family. Here are some of the pictures: Then this morning Charlie took Titus to get a birthday donut. 2 years have flown by! So take time people to enjoy your children....

Friday, January 29, 2016

Potty Training Hell..

OK so let's be truthful! Potty training is awful! We are day 3 into it and I just want to go buy diapers! It isn't Titus fault that it is so awful its mine! Every time I give him an extra minute or we do a quick potty break instead of letting him sit there he has an accident. I found myself literally wanting to cry because I have created this mess that is potty training. We started potty training Titus way back when he was 6 months old and he was getting it! THEN, I got pregnant, changed my hours at work, and just got lazy about it. Guys early potty training is the way to go! If you try it keep it up! I now wish I had! Anyways, so now here we are potty training full time. I mean even bedtime! NO DIAPERS...cold turkey people! Cold turkey... ************************************************************************************************************************************ This post has taken me all week to write. We are making slow process. However, that 15min alarm drives me crazy now, but Titus hears it and runs right to the bathroom. He has started waking up dry and has even started to tell me. (not often, but he does) I have moments every sec. of the day where I want to go buy diapers and just through in the towels. BUT, I don't. I remind myself that have come a long way already and it would be a waste to give up. Also, and this is vital! Don't let the potty training rob you of the joy that your children are. Oh man, guys! I let it get to me more than once. Sigh...and it bothers me so! It is only a season I remind myself and then I hug Titus. I have read a few blogs on potty training and quite frankly they have good ideas but I just can't do them. If Amelia wasn't still nursing then maybe the "one day method" would work, or wait till he's "ready" my budget doesn't have time for that either. Let's be real people. Diapers/pull ups are expensive! I'm done buying them $10.00 a week may not seem like alot for your budget, but it is form mine. (Titus, out grew his cloth diapers.) Amelia is still very easy to use cloth so not buying any diapers for a time would be fantastic! :) I can do $10.00 a month for diapers. ( We use them on Amelia when we travel) Right I can justify that. :) So, think of me as we potty train Titus. Its just a season...its just a season!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A glimpse of heaven

When ever I catch my children who are still very young interacting it just warms my heart! It truly is a glimpse of innocents...I happened to catch it on camera before Titus noticed I was taking his picture.
They truly do grow up way to fast so for now I am trying to catch each glimpse of heaven...