Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Challenges that are turned Resolutions...

Greetings Everyone, As some of you may know I have been struggling with an annoying health issue. I went to a MD and they were confused by my sysmptoms, so they sent me to get a CT scan. My CT scan showed my insides were noraml; I decided instead of being sent for all kinds of blood test; to go to my nutritionist I went to back in 2008. Low and behold I have a severe allergy to gluten. I had a suspicion that it may be that but no real evidence. Well, after my appointment my suspicion has been made real. I am not scared but realived that thats all that my problem is. Starting tomorrow I am on a strict diet/cleanse to get my bad back to working health. I am blessed to have alot of friends who are in the same boat I am and so we can encourage,support, and share our ideas and problems. I am excited to receive my energy and body back. I had been wanting to go gluten free but hadn't because I didnt see the importance of it...till now...1st resolution going 100% gluten free. Our second resolution is making all of my own lotion,shampoos,laundry soup, toothpaste...etc....Charlie and I both struggle with the idea of putting chemicals into our bodies. We both are sensitive to different chemicals and so by going all organic with the lotions and stuff we will see itching,rashes,dry skin disappear. I have been doing alot of research and am excited to get started. My mom and I are huge coconut oil/butter fans. It is wonderful for you...eating wise and topically. The Bulk Herb Store has been a huge help in getting recipes and such together so we can start a cleaner living experince. I think these two resolutions are huge and I am excited to start this cleaner form of living. Not only will it help Charlie and I get healthier but by gaining these healthy habits we can help others and some day establish good cleaning living on to our children. If you need ideas,help, or support in starting in this way of living by all means get a hold of me.

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