Friday, February 8, 2013

My biggest annoyance...

If you ask anyone of my family members or closest friends they will tell you that dentists are the biggest thorn in my side. I take care of my teeth for the most part...I brush everyday...I floss a couple times a week...and i have a why is it every time And I do mean every time I go to the dentist its a huge list of bad have cavities, you need your wisdom teeth pulled, you have gum dieses You need a root canal.....the list goes on and on! When you finish my appointment with "but you have a great smile"....that my friend doesnt create WARM FUZZIES!! All good feelings left at hello...sorry... So where am I going with a huge advocate for your body can heal itself. It was created to fight off dieses, and yes why not tooth decay? Its a dieses And therefore should be able to be healed. I dont like to have oral surgery its not fun...and shouldnt be my only option! Today I want on a search for why our bodies cant heal our teeth...and guess what? They can! Gasp!! Tooth decay like any other dieses is caused by ?...wait for it.....poor nutrition!! Or not getting the proper nutrition for our teeth. Makes sense.., put good in.,.then your body is happy. :-) I just ordered a book called "Cure Tooth Decay:Heal and Prevent cavities with Nutrition." I am going to see if I can get a better report from the next appointment Isnt until August so stay tuned...if it works you will know! Im excited and I cant wait to see my results.

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