Thursday, March 21, 2019

The fact is....

Here we go again...every time I'm like I just can't blog. I don't have anything to say. I don't have time..I can't...I don't...blah blah blah Yeah, I've got excuses that can go on for hours. Hahaha...for real though I do. I am not like some super natural human that has all my thoughts in check and everything is "grand". Oh man, that kind of sounds like an excuse,too. All "reasoning" aside. I am sitting her and typing because I have stories, and they need to be told. I have 3 kids and I live a very different lifestyle then most people. We have chosen a lifestyle that causes confusion and sometimes condemnation from those closes to us. Yet, we stand with our heads held high. We want to share. We need to share. We are called to share, so without further excuses or rambling. I am about to embark on a journey with you and I hope you will come along. I hope that it causes you to reach out to us and say, "yes, I want to join your team...your lifestyle". We can't take where we are at anymore. So, what is this "lifestyle" that I talk about. Are we "crunchy" parents? Are we "free range" parents? Are we "helicopter" parents?? Holy Moly! For a country that doesn't like labels...we LABEL everything don't we? We are just parents relearning what we have been told is "normal", but in reality isn't anymore. We are researching and working along side families that have discovered what we have. That #1 thing is. Our health is ours and we are in charge of it. It is no ones responsibility to keep us healthy but ours. Oh my goodness, are you assuming we are talking about vaccinations?? No way! I bet that is where your mind went,too isn't it? Isn't it interesting how I am talking about healthy eating, supporting our immune systems naturally,exercising, and creating a clean and healthy environment for our children,but you thought something else. No worries, it happens all the time. If your mind didn't go there..thank you. What we have done is started reestablishing what used to be....we often hear " my Grandparents did it, but it doesn't work for today"..ei...They ate bacon everyday and lived to be "old". Unfortunately, you and I both know that the quality and nutritional value of food has gone down the tubes. Even our organic food is being tainted now. However, that doesn't mean that we can't take back some of that. We need to take time to implement "quality" back into our lives. A day gone by doesn't mean that it can't be again. Simple. Unplugged. (gasp she said it) We are reclaiming family time. We are committing to being in the moment. That means that are phones are silenced. We can't be reached 24/7 by the outside world. It means that we will make dinners from scratch. We won't use a microwave! (gasp, she went there...) We won't let the TV be a babysitter. We have a short time to make our little humans a blessing to this world. We won't do "screen time". (oh man! I must be killing you) We will be present in this fleeting life. We are on this not so easy journey and we sometimes fall, but our culture is missing physical interaction with other people. I want my children to be interact with people and do it with love and respect. The physical connection is so important in our lives. We have forgotten that. When we get a small glimpse of that we crave it more, but then it gets buried on social media. You can't walk into any place now a days without a phone attached to every single person. It has become a sad addiction. OK, so I blew through alot of different things. I know I was all over the board. Hear me know. I will keep the posts to one subject from now on. Hahaha...really. I just want you to get a glimpse of my scatter brained thoughts and lets walk this together. Let's unfold this crazy life and make it simpplier. Come with me friends. Are you ready for what I am going to share next?? Hmmmmm.......

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