Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What Happened to Yesterday??

I've been pondering alot of things the last few weeks. One of them is what happened to yesterday? Another words where in the world has time gone? One of my sweet grandmas has falling a couple of times this year and has lead to some serious health complications. This is indeed sad to us. She is doing the best she can, but it made me realize that she isn't the spring chicken I remember her as when I was a child. Where did the time go? When did we all grow up and start having babies? Aren't we still in school? When did my parents become grandparents 3 times over??? I am an AUNT!! What?! I am 3 month shy of 31...when did this happen? I have a son who is now 9 months old! Time doesn't fly by....or does it?? We get the same amount of minutes as we did as children;how come it seems like the days go by faster? My grandparents are great parents are grandparents...and I am now a mom. I have bumped up a generation! I am the fun aunt now...the mom now...the one who has to do things with small children. As I look at Titus and kiss his cute little check I cherish each moment I have with him because one day I will blink and I'll be the grandparent (eek!!!!) I have been reading through Ecclesiastes and was reminding that to everything there is a season under the sun. So let me encourage you in this...take the time to call that someone,to hug your children, to fix a relationship, to kiss a little longer, and just smile because so many people don't feel loved in this world! Yesterday is gone and even though we aren't promised tomorrow its still right around the corner. Ready or not cherish what is right here today! Because it could be gone in a blink of an eye!!

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