Thursday, March 21, 2019

The fact is....

Here we go again...every time I'm like I just can't blog. I don't have anything to say. I don't have time..I can't...I don't...blah blah blah Yeah, I've got excuses that can go on for hours. Hahaha...for real though I do. I am not like some super natural human that has all my thoughts in check and everything is "grand". Oh man, that kind of sounds like an excuse,too. All "reasoning" aside. I am sitting her and typing because I have stories, and they need to be told. I have 3 kids and I live a very different lifestyle then most people. We have chosen a lifestyle that causes confusion and sometimes condemnation from those closes to us. Yet, we stand with our heads held high. We want to share. We need to share. We are called to share, so without further excuses or rambling. I am about to embark on a journey with you and I hope you will come along. I hope that it causes you to reach out to us and say, "yes, I want to join your team...your lifestyle". We can't take where we are at anymore. So, what is this "lifestyle" that I talk about. Are we "crunchy" parents? Are we "free range" parents? Are we "helicopter" parents?? Holy Moly! For a country that doesn't like labels...we LABEL everything don't we? We are just parents relearning what we have been told is "normal", but in reality isn't anymore. We are researching and working along side families that have discovered what we have. That #1 thing is. Our health is ours and we are in charge of it. It is no ones responsibility to keep us healthy but ours. Oh my goodness, are you assuming we are talking about vaccinations?? No way! I bet that is where your mind went,too isn't it? Isn't it interesting how I am talking about healthy eating, supporting our immune systems naturally,exercising, and creating a clean and healthy environment for our children,but you thought something else. No worries, it happens all the time. If your mind didn't go there..thank you. What we have done is started reestablishing what used to be....we often hear " my Grandparents did it, but it doesn't work for today"..ei...They ate bacon everyday and lived to be "old". Unfortunately, you and I both know that the quality and nutritional value of food has gone down the tubes. Even our organic food is being tainted now. However, that doesn't mean that we can't take back some of that. We need to take time to implement "quality" back into our lives. A day gone by doesn't mean that it can't be again. Simple. Unplugged. (gasp she said it) We are reclaiming family time. We are committing to being in the moment. That means that are phones are silenced. We can't be reached 24/7 by the outside world. It means that we will make dinners from scratch. We won't use a microwave! (gasp, she went there...) We won't let the TV be a babysitter. We have a short time to make our little humans a blessing to this world. We won't do "screen time". (oh man! I must be killing you) We will be present in this fleeting life. We are on this not so easy journey and we sometimes fall, but our culture is missing physical interaction with other people. I want my children to be interact with people and do it with love and respect. The physical connection is so important in our lives. We have forgotten that. When we get a small glimpse of that we crave it more, but then it gets buried on social media. You can't walk into any place now a days without a phone attached to every single person. It has become a sad addiction. OK, so I blew through alot of different things. I know I was all over the board. Hear me know. I will keep the posts to one subject from now on. Hahaha...really. I just want you to get a glimpse of my scatter brained thoughts and lets walk this together. Let's unfold this crazy life and make it simpplier. Come with me friends. Are you ready for what I am going to share next?? Hmmmmm.......

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Hey Everyone, The Gilmore's have been extremely busy! Between going here and there...going every where...and watching the kids grow a little older..sigh it happens so fast!! Greyson will be 1 in a couple of weeks. (insert tears!) I have some pictures I am going to share. These are from this week. I am trying to be more intentional with picture taking, my time with my kids, people, travel..etc. It is hard but it requires me to be with people instead of my computer screen. Today, my kids got to help the neighbors plant their garden. It was so very sweet to watch. Capturing these kinds of moments are so touching!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

He's 4!

Well, it happened over the weekend! It happened so fast! Our oldest turned 4 years old. He has shot up in the last week, and its like a light went off in his head because now he is ready to sit and learn. He watches his older cousin write and copies it. He is working on writing his name right now. It is so fun to watch our children grow up and mature, but at the same time it happens so fast!! We had a little party for him and here are some pictures from the day. (gasp! pictures I know..hahah I didnt take them)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A late night chat...

Hahaha...I say late night but really it is only 9pm. It mine as well be late. I am very much a morning person, but I was feeling guilty I hadn't written like I actually wrote down in my day planner. Yes, I try to write it down so I do it. I like lists, but they end up every where and I can't remember where I wrote them down. Oh the joy of a momma's brain. *smile* See you are not alone...ok back to my late night writing. I am sitting here watching Bull and listening to my husband crunch....Mmmmhhhhmm.. *insert eye* roll*Anyways, maybe awhile before I can finish this the way it is going..Alright, my reflection. We had a really good day today! I mean I didn't have any feelings of "eating my young"....haha its a joke! Focus girl...focus...Amelia, only peed her self twice but then a light bulb went off and she went on the pot the rest of the day! I mean she even pooped on the pot! Thank you Jesus for not having to clean out poopy underwear! I hope tomorrow builds on that! Amelia, is getting to be such a big girl! Her talking is getting clearer and she knows her own mind! She is no longer taking crap from Titus. It is fun to watch. Oh guys, Titus will be...sniff sniff...4 on Saturday! How did that happen? He is getting super tall, and he is becoming so helpful! I love watching him focus and do things that he loves doing. He is starting to spell. (His name is old school. He knows how to spell that) I mean he wants to learn how to spell everything. I spend a good portion of my day spelling things for him, and he repeats it back. ahhhh....hes gonna be 4...excuse me while I get a tissue! Greyson, oh my goodness! He is almost 9 months old! He is pulling himself up on everything. He loves to stand and can now stand in his crib and jump. JUST LIKE TITUS! I think I have another high energy boy coming my way. Greyson, finally cut his 3rd tooth, and has another one coming in. We moved Greyson into the "big" kids room this week. So far so good...they are all adjusting to one another kids are getting so big so fast! Enjoy every moment people. Its going by fast. My snuggle bugs are not so snuggly anymore...yes, even Greyson is out growing my snuggles. Amelia, still loves to curl up. Thank God! I need one to keep my snuggle cup full....OK..enough of my reflection and happiness of my children's accomplishments. I think I can go to sleep now...

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Update on Michael

Hey Everyone, Quick update on Michael. He had his brain surgery. The doctors got all but 20% of the cancer. They are waiting on the lab results; which should be soon to tell them what there next move will be. His surgery went well. It'll be a week ago tomorrow, and drum roll.....he is HOME!! He came home last night. He is doing really well. Continue to pray. This was a HUGE leap for the Lindseys, but now they need wisdom on what to do next. Keep the prayers can follow them on facebook at The Lindsey Family group page.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Heavy fingers, heavy heart...

Hey Guys, My coffee is gone. Doesn't seem to important right now anyways...Last week we got some pretty heavy news. I was listening to a speaker talking not really paying attention to him when my phone went off. It was kind of odd since I knew where everyone was and didn't think anything about it much. After a few minutes go by I look at it, and it was one of those text where time just stands still for a moment. It was the police officer coming to the door to tell you bad news kind of news. Ugh...the giant "C" word struck close to home again...the text read " Before it hits social media we want all of you to know......Michael has been diagnosed with brain cancer." Stunned, shocked....and Im not even the parent! My sister was on the couch and she was in shock! Charlie turned to us and asked what is wrong! We told him and again....deer in the head lights look. It was Wednseday. We are supposed to go up there Saturday....then a snow storm hit! We the Gilmores couldn't make it up there saturday, but my sister got in her car and drove up. Sunday was Naomi and Daves bridal shower or pounding we made the trip Sunday. It was hard. It was heavy. We are happy and rejoice with Dave and Naomi, but never in a million years did they think it was going to have a shadow of such heaviness. They got some beautiful gifts and the room was decorated with such simple elegance that we didn't want to leave and face reality. All the what if's, should of, could ofs, and would ofs come racing to your mind when you have to come back to reality. The voices of many telling you do this, do all becomes back round noise.. sigh..... **************************************************************************************************************************** Its been a week since we all received that dreadful news. Dad is up at the Lindseys taking over the household duites so that they don't have to worry about their pets or frozen pipes. Mom and Autum will be joining them on Tuesday. Michael and his parents are on their way to Memphis to St.Judes Hospital where at 3p today they will know what is going to happen tomorrow. Tomorrow is brain surgery. Michael's siblings will be joining him so he isn't to nervous and anxious, but lets be honest...children can pick up on the anxiousness of their parents/siblings so some anxiousness will be there. I mean he is cutting open his brain, Easy to say and make it sound cool, but realistically it is serious and life threatening. Pray for them. Think of them. That is how my week is....trying to figure out what we can do to help. Thinking of the things that need to be done and doing them because they can't get past the now. AND I DON'T BLAME THEM!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Just Because...

Hey Everyone, Got my coffee in my left hand, trying to type 1 finger at a time...this could take all day. Hmmm...sprained my right wrist last week, so thats got me going cray cray! Let's be honest; I can't get anything done and when I do (aka the dishes) its time to start all over again. Sigh...I have actually been instructing my children to help me. Titus is tall enough and strong enough to help with laundry, and honestly he is loving it. No, he doesn't put the soap in but he is capable of putting the dirty clothes in. To him its a giant basketball hoop and the clothes the ball...who doesn't want to score off that! Its a win win for the both of us. His other job is to get all the dry clothes and put them in the basket. This morning I asked him to put the clothes in the basket and without asking he brought them to my bed where we fold the clothes. Another score for this Momma! What does Amelia do? She sits on the bed and "helps" me fold them. She is getting better at it but...yeah its a wad who are we kidding. Both kids put their own clothes away. We are still working on not just throwing them in and jamming the drawer closed. What else do they do? The kids make their beds, pick up their toys,and occasionally when im feeling really "saintly" I let them vacuum. BUT, lets be honest that just turns into a mess....Titus insists its a monster and then tortures the "princess", who in turn feels the need to let out a blood curdling scream because she is annoyed. hahahaha...real life guys! I don't work my kids to death...and its not every day! Only everyday til my wrist heals. wink wink. Ok so my thought: If the child can get the toys out and dump them every where; then they are capable of picking them all up! Goes for cheerios, chips, cracker,and juice! (yes, they clean that up too!) Greyson, is obviously not old enough yet. He is still perfecting his crawl, but his day is coming. Muahahahahaha.... :) Anyways, the kids just woke up Greyson so my free time is short lived today.