Monday, December 4, 2017
Our tree is up!
Hey Everyone,
This past weekend we went and got our tree. What fun it is now that the kids are starting to get what's going on! Of course, Titus wanted to get the tallest tree in the lot (which I can't blame him..) however, our ceilings won't allow a 9ft-12ft tree.Our cute tree is 6ft and for the first time since we have been married we have an actual tree topper! SAY WHAT!! OK..ok...its not ours, but we are honored to have it this year. It is my parent's angel.It was giving to them by my Grandma Judie and her late husband Ed. It is a fiber optic angel; nothing really special except it was giving with lots of love. So we couldn't have it sit in storage and collect dust til mom and dad settle into home. It had to be shown for all to see, because when we look at it it reminds us of Ed and Grandma. Next year we will be back at our struggle whether to get a star or an angel, and who knows if we will settle on something. For now we are going to enjoy what we have. Maybe...just and dad will give us the angel and then we won't have to decide..hahaha or not..
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving
Good Morning Everyone! Happy Thanksgiving...
I know I know it is Tuesday after Thanksgiving....but with all the hustle and bustle of the weekend I didn't sit down and blog, nor did I want to! Hahaah...right?!
For Thanksgiving this year we went to our wonderful neighbors house. They make the meat and all their family brings the sides and dessert. It was lovely! After, lunch we hung out for awhile and then we headed over to my brother's house for some birthday cake. (yes, every few years Ted's bday falls on Thanksgiving. He just loves it! not...) Of course, the cake was extremely good! oh man! So good....
Then, on Friday we headed up to Kentucky to celebrate thanksgiving and friendship for the weekend.It was a wonderful reunion of 3 generations! It was alot of fun and we are so blessed to have a friendship like theirs. :) Now to move on to Christmas!! (27days and counting)
Monday, November 20, 2017
Monday Coffee Session
Good Morning Everyone,
I actually scheduled a blog session today and look at that I am writing it! Greyson is napping and the other 2 kids are outside playing. I have my coffee and some thoughts so here I sit and share. Usually, when I schedule to blog, as you know, it doesn't happen, or I have know idea what to write. (besides the obvious) My best time to blog is while I am in the shower. (am I right?!) In the shower don't we all conquer the world, set new goals, reestablish the conviction we set out to keep, and become refreshed as the hot water runs over us! I know I, let my coffee be my hot water, and the letters on my keyboard reestablish my convictions as I convey them to you! (wow! I sound so logical and smart!)
Who am I kidding...haha I am a momma with 3 kids who brushed her hair yesterday because we went to church! I still have my mascara on because I am to lazy to take it off. (my friend Megan's words ring through my head....mascara is made from bat poop! ahhhh) Sigh, who says knowledge is power. I find it at times quite exhausting. (sips coffee) Mmmm....really coffee is what helps me guide my family in the morning. (kidding of course, but it sure helps!) For those of you who hate coffee I am so sorry.
Now for my kids update since I haven't done it in a while. Greyson, is now 6 months old, rolls every where, is getting on his knees and will probably be crawling before Christmas. My boys like to move move move! Which means Amelia and I are in trouble because we like to sit and enjoy the quiet. Amelia is my quieter one. She enjoys quiet mornings playing on her bed with her babies, or snuggling with her 3 blankets. In the past month she has really started talking in sentences and oh my goodness it is so CUTE. She likes to copy just about everything Titus does! Oh my eldest son....Titus, we can't believe he is coming up on 4. Time waits for no one! He is smart as a whip and is really starting to be a helper. He has LOTS of energy and still at night has a hard time settling. (just like Charlie) I started school with him, but then he lost interest. Which is ok by me. When he focuses on something he wants to learn...aka Bees right now. I take the time to read him books and tv shows about them. He knows his ABC's and 123's, so don't be concerned. I don't feel the need to push him. There will be time for that when he gets older. Right now we are enjoying nature and how different things work.
Charlie and I are doing great! We have (mostly him) been working on a new dining room table! It looks so good and hopefully by the end of this week it shall be done! It's like a quilt; far from perfect and made with lots of love! I haven't downloaded any pictures, so you'll have to wait till its done. are in and getting into trouble...can no longer focus..AHHHH I didn't get as far as I would have liked, but isn't that life. :)
Have a great day...and my interrupted thought process will see you next week...maybe with a complete thought, and some pictures!
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Really slacked....
Hey Everyone,
Chalrie always asks me if I have blogged, and my answer is in my mind I have...seriously, I blog in my mind all the time. hahaha I just never make it to my computer to write it out. Sorry.. :( I am tring...key word "trying" to become more scheduled, so I should probably add this to my list. Honestly, I hate playing catch up. We have (as usual) been super busy. When are we not, right?
Let's see.....
1. Baby Greyson is 4 months old! He is such a joy. Greyson lights up the room with his smile and you can tell he is going to be hilarious when he can start to talk. His eyes just sparkle when you talk to him. He can roll over, belly laugh, he watches his siblings in envy, and is a great little traveler. He has more miles under his belt then most people do. He has been to NY several times and we just finished up a trip to Missouri.
2. Sweet Amelia turned 2! She seems like she has been with us a lot longer!Amelia, so feisty and sweet all at the same time. She is getting quite tall and she is learning everything from Titus. Not sure everything TItus is teaching her is ok..haha but she is none the less. She loves to be play outside, swing, swim, play with her baby dolls, and read books. Amelia loves a good nap (she just doesn't know it) and if she doesn't get food she is the worst hangry person I know. (besides myself.)
3. TRAVEL!! The kids and I spent the whole month of August in New York helping my family get ready for their move to Chattanooga! It came at a good time! We didn't get to catch up with to many people while there since my mom got shingles, but thats ok. We got to spend time helping her out and playing with the cousins. We also made a trip to Missouri to celebrate the marriage of Charlie's nephew Michael. It was the fastest trip ever, but it was nice to see everyone there.
4. My brother and his family finally made it here! They are pretty much settled, and Ted has started his new job. It is nice to have them so close! Autum will be here sometime this week or next. She hasn't decided yet. She is on an adventure right now (traveling) and when she is ready to settle she will come home...aka here to live with us. :)
In case you are asking yourselves when are my parents coming...well, the 1st sale of their house fell through, so now they have to wait for another buyer. Fingers crossed it'll be soon!
I think I hit on all the big things that are going on right now. Between traveling, moving people around, working, raising kids, and well just life you can see we are busy.
Oh before I forget....(I didnt forget him. lol) Titus is doing great! Big and super smart!!!! He has started doing some school. I don't push it right now since he is only 3, but when he needs focus time or wants to do work we will. :)
Love to all!
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Greyson Edward Gilmore
Ladies and Gentleman, I would like to introduce baby Greyson to you! He was born on May 18th.(yes, I am aware he is almost a month old) He is a little ball of sunshine and is our smallest baby to date; due to being 3 weeks early. He was on the road to being our largest I think, and according to the nurses as well. We are delighted to have him in our family and look forward to seeing his personality develop. Oh, he weighed in at 8lbs 10 oz and is 21.5 inches long.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Tennessee update
Hey Everyone,
The Gilmores have been extremely busy getting settled in. We love Tennessee!! We have had lots of visitors in and out the last few months and we have even taking a quick family vacation. (pictures below) My parents, siblings, Grandpa & Grandma Paparella, and a couple of Aunts have all popped in for quick visits. We love having company and hope you will feel free to get a hold of us and stop by! (FYI, June is pretty booked, so I'd wait till July or August.)
The Chattanooga area is very family friendly and we are enjoying all the fun sights it has to offer. We are central to so many fun and cool places that we have to choose what to do carefully. Another words, what and where will the children have the most fun! :D The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE the aquarium and Titus is always asking to go "see the fishes". (we have yet to explore the zoo) We love the walk along the river, and this summer they will have concerts down there. This weekend is the opening weekend for the farmers market which we can't wait for! For us getting to know the local farmers is crucial to our eating clean. Supporting the locals are what make an area thrive. :) Apparently, this is also the 100th anniversary for Moonpies so there is going to be a huge celebration for that. (who knew) Should be fun!
I am going to post the pictures below of the last few months so you can see what we've been up to. Oh, before I Gilmore #3 is doing great. Growing and moving just like he should. I am very ready to be done with my pregnancy; I think more so than the other 2. (lyme doesn't help) The midwife has informed us that the baby will be big. (no surprise there...ahhhh) Come on June!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Happy Belated Birthday Titus!
Guys,Our oldest is 3!! happened so fast! Time waits for no one that is for sure. For Titus 3rd birthday his Aunt Carolyn, Grandma Ann, and his cousins came to visit. They actually brought one of his birthday gifts. A puppy! Yes, you read right. Titus got a puppy. Her name is Whisper and she is a lab/retriever mix. Whisper has 2 different colored eyes and is really very sweet. Titus and the dog do ALOT of running together! It's very sweet to watch.
Titus, is a very sweet, kind and considerate little boy. He is always making sure that everyone is ok. He is very sensitive to emotions. Whether your happy or sad..he will come over and hug you or kiss you. He LOVES his sister and is really looking forward to being a big brother again. He is always asking me how my baby belly is doing. We are blessed beyond words with Titus. He is getting to be so very smart and loves to learn. He knows 1-10, his ABC's, and most of his shapes including pentagon and hexagon.Oh, and his colors,too.
Here are some pictures of his birthday weekend.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Sandwiched between 2 boys...
This past week we had our 2nd trimester ultrasound. It revealed that we are having another boy! (Which, I kind of knew..I'm carrying just like I did for Titus) We are excited! Either way we would have been. We just pray for a happy healthy baby! Which baby is proving to be! The ultrasound tech asked Amelia if she likes the idea of being sandwiched between 2 boys and right on cue she says, " EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW". It was hysterical! Amelia is so independent I don't think she will care. Both boys will be at her beck and call. She displays alot of first born tendencies! Hey! If she ends up being my only girl; then I am extremely grateful! (remind me of this when she is being terribly stubborn!) Below are the pictures of baby #3!! He seems to be content swimming around inside. Typical Gilmore...hahaha...So my due date is June 9th. However, with keeping with tradition he has to come either June 12 or the 26th..(please, the 12th!) in keeping with tradition. Titus and Amelia where both born on Mondays and even days. We shall see...
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Merry Chirstmas, Happy New Year, and a whole lotta life in 2 short months....
Well Guys, I do have to say I haven't had any internet for quite awhile. Life for the Gilmore's have been crazy busy and this week (tomorrow) will be the 1st week in months that will be "normal" for us.Let me share our crazy time line with you.....
Novemeber 29th-Charlie lost his job...
In the meantime, we prepared for Christmas and our 2.5 week trip west. I also had grand jury duty 2 days a week leading up to our trip.
December 3 & 4th- Our last time serving at Church...(we didn't know that at the time)
Dec 10- We went to our last Syracuse Orangemen basketball game at the Dome....
Dec 11- My Mom's family had a Christmas party
To sum up the above weekend it was a travel weekend for us.
The next week had us hustling and bustling to get everything we needed to for a very long vacation. Charlie also had a couple phone interviews with a company in Tennessee.
Dec 15th we closed up the house,packed up the car and headed for our first destination. Charlie and I spent the weekend in NYC for our 4th Anniversary. It was kid free and relaxing; despite the weather doing literally everything!!! We got back on the 18th to spend a night with my parents. In the meantime, Charlie got a phone call and the company in Tennessee wanted to do a face to face interview on 20th. Soooooo, after slightly catching his breath he headed out very early Monday morning. Meantime, I stayed another night with my parents. Tuesday, I flew to Missouri by myself with the children. They were so very good!! While we flew, Charlie had an interview....and then he climbed in the car and met us in Missouri! Where we spent a wonderful week with his mom Ann. Our trip was cut short by another phone call saying he got the job in Tennessee and that they wanted him to start on Jan 9Th!
Dec 27th- found our way to our friends house in Kentucky where we left the kids, so they didn't have to spend alot of time in the car.
Dec 28th- Charlie and I made our way to Tennessee (4hrs from Lindseys) to look for a house. We had 1 house on our list and that was it. After, looking over the one house we had picked out and not liking it at all we called a few agents. There happened to be another house we could look at and HOPEFULLY like. On our way we saw 2 more houses for rent that were big fat NO'S! When we got to this house we are now in we loved it.
Dec 29th-Charlie signed all contracts so we could get approved for the house. We left for Pennsylvania to see my Grandma real quick and break up the ride for the poor kids.
Dec 29-31 We ended up getting stuck at my Grandma's house for an extra day due to weather. Which was good for us and the kids. We chilled and just spent some really good quality time with Grandma Judy.
Dec 31 we found our way home. My sister came to celebrate New Years with us and we were in bed by
Jan 1st we puttered in the house. Did all the we didn't unpack. made no sense to
Jan 2-5th My parents came up and helped us pack, clean, and load the truck! We had a few set backs from this but had some wonderful friends come to our rescue. My poor dad got really sick and he was our truck driver, and Charlie's right hand man in lifting all things heavy! Our good friend Jerry MacNeil came to our rescue and helped Charlie while Dad's job became taking care of Miss Amelia.
Jan 5th We headed to my parents house to say good bye to all who was able to come to see us. By the end, it got really hard, but we know that we are greatly loved and will be seeing everyone this Summer!
Jan 6th Dad the truck driver, Charlie the driver of the cats, and Mom and I with the kids headed to Tennessee! It was a grooling 18hr day, but at 11pm we pulled into our new home! Unpacked the beds as fast as we could and headed to bed.
Jan 7th Brought our wonderful friends down from Kentucky to help unload the truck, clean the house, and help us set up the house as best they could. They also blessed us with lunch and dinner for the day! It was a huge blessing to have people help us all along they way! We would have managed if we did it by ourselves, but so very grateful we didnt!
Jan 8th Charlie started his first day of work. Yes, guys he went from chaos getting family packed up and moved; right to WORK! Bless his heart!! It also brought fevers, coughs, and sinus infections for Amelia, Titus, and I. It was not a good time all 3 of us being down and out. But again; God made sure we had help. My dad and mom stayed with us. Mom flew home the 11th, and my dad stayed till Tuesday the next week. Mean time, my wonderful sister came down for the following weekend. It was so nice to have everyone come down and help out right when we needed it!
Today, has been 1 month since we have moved to Tennessee! I can't believe it has been a month already. We are starting to get settled and find things we really like. It is hard being away from family, but we know we are right where we are supposed to be! The kids about once a week say they want to go visit Papa and Grandma......sigh! But we already have a mini vacation and will see them the end of March. Unless, they surprise us with a visit down!
I have so much more to blog, but if I don't hit that publish button this won't get published and everything will seem like old news...haha
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