Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Moving the Swing Set

Our swing set was in a spot where I couldn't see Titus at all if he was to play on it, so on Easter we had all the strapping young men help move it. I am so grateful for their help. Now Titus can play on it and I can see him if I am getting dinner ready. There will soon be a slide on it. Oh, and yes we needed that many guys because it apparently was super heavy..hahaha


Hey Guys, This year we celebrated Easter up. My family and some of our friends came over for lunch and a fun egg hunt for the kids. Titus struggled with it a little bit, but by the end he was getting the concept. We hope you had a great sunny Easter!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

When did it become ok...

I was sipping my coffee this morning watching the children play and for some reason my mind wandered to....what will they call adults when they can talk. I remember when I was little thinking," I can't wait to grow up and be called Mrs..." Then it dawned on me children don't do that anymore. I still can't wait to be called, "Mrs.Gilmore". That's right I have yet to be called that by any child! Granted the children I do hang around either call me Aunt Ashley or they can't talk yet. So my question is why? Why? When did it become ok for children to call adults by their first name? I shouldn't have to ask for a child to call me Mrs.Gilmore the parents should be instilling this in them. It's respectful. I am open to Mrs.Ashley don't get me wrong. I just think that the whole I dont want to hurt your feelings, or make you feel old, or "label" anyone has gone to far. It isn't about any of that its about children being respectful. You can bet when Titus starts having friends I will ask them to call me Mrs.Gilmore! Titus and Amelia will be trained to call you by your last name and or Miss,Mr,Mrs,Ms, and your first name. Don't be offended it's about respect! They aren't an adults equal. Yes, they are human but they are little humans learning to be an adult. I know they will get confused sometimes because hearing you call your peers by their first name gets confusing, but I will gently remind them that they are to call them such and such. Really, why is it so offensive to be called Mr,Mrs,Ms,Miss in the first place? Really you don't want to be respected? I have been asked by my parents peers to call them by their first name and I politely declined. They aren't my peers, my children's friends aren't my peers...just my thought on this.