Friday, January 29, 2016
Potty Training Hell..
OK so let's be truthful! Potty training is awful! We are day 3 into it and I just want to go buy diapers! It isn't Titus fault that it is so awful its mine! Every time I give him an extra minute or we do a quick potty break instead of letting him sit there he has an accident. I found myself literally wanting to cry because I have created this mess that is potty training. We started potty training Titus way back when he was 6 months old and he was getting it! THEN, I got pregnant, changed my hours at work, and just got lazy about it. Guys early potty training is the way to go! If you try it keep it up! I now wish I had!
Anyways, so now here we are potty training full time. I mean even bedtime! NO DIAPERS...cold turkey people! Cold turkey...
This post has taken me all week to write. We are making slow process. However, that 15min alarm drives me crazy now, but Titus hears it and runs right to the bathroom. He has started waking up dry and has even started to tell me. (not often, but he does)
I have moments every sec. of the day where I want to go buy diapers and just through in the towels. BUT, I don't. I remind myself that have come a long way already and it would be a waste to give up.
Also, and this is vital! Don't let the potty training rob you of the joy that your children are. Oh man, guys! I let it get to me more than once. Sigh...and it bothers me so! It is only a season I remind myself and then I hug Titus. I have read a few blogs on potty training and quite frankly they have good ideas but I just can't do them. If Amelia wasn't still nursing then maybe the "one day method" would work, or wait till he's "ready" my budget doesn't have time for that either. Let's be real people. Diapers/pull ups are expensive! I'm done buying them $10.00 a week may not seem like alot for your budget, but it is form mine. (Titus, out grew his cloth diapers.) Amelia is still very easy to use cloth so not buying any diapers for a time would be fantastic! :) I can do $10.00 a month for diapers. ( We use them on Amelia when we travel) Right I can justify that. :)
So, think of me as we potty train Titus. Its just a season...its just a season!
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
A glimpse of heaven
When ever I catch my children who are still very young interacting it just warms my heart! It truly is a glimpse of innocents...I happened to catch it on camera before Titus noticed I was taking his picture.
They truly do grow up way to fast so for now I am trying to catch each glimpse of heaven...
Monday, January 11, 2016
Pictures of the day...
Our sweet Amelia will be 4 months old this week! She has already been half way cross the United States, and this week she gets to go to Kentucky. She is ready (but not close) to crawl! Amelia watches Titus every move and gets super excited when he cozies up to her. It is so sweet!
Titus, (just turned 23 months) is in the process of being potty trained. It is a battle! Sometimes he gets it and most of the time not so much. He loves his underwear but not the feeling he gets when he pees in it. Hahaha..that's the idea right?!
OK my 30 seconds are up the kids are screaming...Hope you all are staying warm!
Friday, January 8, 2016
September 2015
In September we had 2 very large things happen in our we bought a house!! Yeah!! We are now proud homeowners of a raised ranch on 5 acres! We can't wait to clean up the yard and get our gardens established! We are so very excited to be investing in something that is ours instead of renting..(I don't seem to have any pictures to date..hmmm better get on that).
The second thing but more precious and awesome than the first was our daughter Amelia Mary Rose was born!! She like Titus took her time in getting her. Being over due by 9 days she entered the world weighing 10lbs 4.75 oz and was 22in long! Here are some pictures of her from birth and then present...

Wow! Its been a year....So much to catch up on!
Well, looking over our blog and I have noticed that its been over a year since I have written. I think about it often but never sit down and do it. Not that I didn't have the time I was just lazy. So I am going to try and sum up our crazy year of 2015 in pictures... :) So you can see that what last year was like. :) 

OK so there is a you can see TItus keeps us busy....there are a couple really big things that happened in 2015 for us too. SOOOOO I'll post that next..In case you haven't heard...

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