Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Just when one thing is done..

Well, 2015 has started out with a few struggles. Nothing that we can't handle just become things that become an annoyance in ones life. Charlie, Titus, and I were in a car accident last Saturday. We are all ok but the accident came with some hiccups. Big Red...(our Ford Expedition) was deemed totaled. Oh sadness, and Charlie does still have minor headaches but all in all things that take time to heal and work through. Here are our pictures from the accident. Blah!

Ear infections and Molars...a babies worst nightmare (and a parents)

It has been one week since our Florida trip, and let me tell you it has been a bit stressful. Charlie and I noticed that Titus was getting a little lethargic at the end of the week. His naps got longer, and he got pretty restless at night. We assumed it was just the very eventful week of swimming,walking,late nights, and playing all day every day. The Saturday we left I noticed his ear wax was oozing slightly out of his ear. Yeah pretty gross but it wasn't to unusual. Until, we got to the airport and he felt warm. (Yeah, oh great flying with a baby is stressful enough. One with an ear infection even worse) However, he was a dream flying home. The next day all hell broke loss. His fever spiked and I could clearly see that his ear was infected. I could see puss and he was grabbing his ear and moaning in pain. It's the most pitiful thing ever! I do not rush to the ER for anything and I knew all they would tell me is give him tylonol and hand me antibiotic. Both things I am not a fan of. I know I am a terrible parent! (depends on whose eyes you are looking through) So what did I do. Well, it was still Sunday and I didn't have anything in the house I normal use for any cold. Grrr...how could I let my supplies run low! I had thieves oil so we rubbed that on his feet and put it in coconut oil and dropped that in his ear. After, I went to the store and bought garlic oil, collidial silver, and some homepathic ear infection tinctures. When I got home I checked his temp..it was still let me say above average but not high in a small childs body. I put warm garlic oil in his ear (garlic oil pulls the infection out of the ear) and gave him some colldial silver. (a natural antibiotic) That helped him alittle bit, but he was uncomfortable and he wouldn't sleep laying down. Ugh! It made for some very late nights for Daddy. (He took care of Titus most of the time since he was off and I had to work) Of course, at night his fever would peak and Charlie got super nervous...it was 104. I reassured him it was fine, however Titus was moaning in such agony that I broke down and we did give him some tylonol. We gave him half doses just to relieve the pain. We didn't want his temp to go away. When Monday came we took him to the chiropractors. Dr. Tom looked in his ears for me and confirmed what I already knew. He had a ear infection, so we got him adjusted. Titus got adjusted every day and we kept up with the garlic oil,vit c, and colldial silver. After 3 days of late nights Titus is clear of infections! Yeah! We don't like to use drugs if we can help it, and we know in the long run he will be healthier if we allow his body to fight off the disease. Yes, I watched his temp closely, and was in communication with my mother, chiropractor, and the books I have hear to educate myself. I later talked to the ladies at my work ( I work for a dr. office) and they said that now a days antibiotics don't work for ear infections. The doctors just give them to the babies to pacify the parents. Well, I dont want to be pacified I want to do what is best and safe for my child without killing the good gut bacteria in his gut and damaging his liver because of the drugs. So it can be done! You can safely treat your babies sickness with things that work with the body instead of against it. (Note- If Titus stopped drinking and eating I would have reconsidered taking him to the doctors. Dehydration isn't to be messed with. However, he drank well and even nibbled on toast.) Everyone, needs to do what they think is best, but just know that there are other ways other than drugs.... PS In a couple of weeks I start my classes on becoming a certified family herbalist. Yeah!! I can't wait!!